Sonic X (Episode 43) - Electronics take over and so does the Kindle Fire. #TRIVIA CRACK CHEATS FOR A KINDLE FIRE PRO#
Obsolete - King watches the iPad Pro reveal and then throws his tablet at the wall. #Selfie - King hits the tablet with a selfie stick. Regret - Kings cleans up the tablet after way 31. Saucepan - King becomes HowToBasic as he pours liquids, Parmesan, tape, cutters, then a hammer. TMNT - King says he loves the TMNT work so he donates his Kindle Fire to them. Frisbee - King uses the tablet as a frisbee. Notes - King hasn't got any paper so he uses the layers of the screen on the tablet as paper, then he writes "In 2015 a YouTuber killed all the unsubscribers… So Subscribe!!". Then he yells "WHAT THE F**K IS THIS S**T?! Stupid Craigslist seller!" He then throws it out the door and says "I'm shopping at Best Buy from now on!".
Unboxing - He unboxes his iPad and then he sees a Kindle Fire instead of an iPad. He then says he would have a 20-year depression if it did. The tablet falls and then King checks the iPad for scratches. Tablet Stand - King watches Undercover boss on his mom's iPad and then tries to put a stand on the iPad. Nintendo Fanboy - King says he won't break this Wii because he loves Nintendo. I Like My Fingers The Way They Are - King takes apart the screen on the Kindle Fire. He then says "I guess you don't want your Kindle Fire" and then he throws it into the truck. UPS - The delivery guy knocks on the door lightly because he is too lazy to get someone to sign something. He then sees a tablet in the box and yells "WHY DO OTHER PEOPLE HAVE NICE THINGS BUT I DON'T?!" As he stomps on the tablet. FedEx - The delivery guy bangs on the door really loudly. United States Postal Service - The USPS delivers the tablet into his mailbox, then hits it with a hammer. Stairway To Hell - King throws the tablet down the stairs. A FNAF jumpscare plays while King yells "DO WE NEED A FIRE?!". Microwave - King throws the tablet into the microwave. Amazon runs away crying, Apple then throws the tablet at him. Samsung then throws the tablet on the ground. Company Wars - Apple and Samsung are fighting about their products then Amazon comes in and says to check out his tablet. King hits the Kindle Fire, then says there is enough product replacements, and pulls out an iPad Air. Movies (By Michael Bay) - King and his friend have to find the location of that "evil thing" his friend says he can do it with his Kindle Fire HD from Amazon. He then comes in yelling "F**K THE POLICE!". He comes in calmly at first apologizing for hitting the doorstop. Doorstop - King uses the Kindle Fire as a doorstop for his door. Amiibo - King uses the tablet as a Wii U and puts a Luigi amiibo, then a Bowser amiibo, and then he hits it with a hammer. It then breaks the scale and King says "What?! I broke it?! I'm not this fat!" he then says "You belong in the trash!". Scale - King eats pancake mix and finds a scale (a tablet) and decides to weigh himself. Toothbrush - King brushes his teeth and then yells "Why aren't my teeth clean?!" He then throws his toothbrush at the tablet. Five Nights at Freddy's - King plays FNAF, makes it to 6 AM but then gets jump scared, he then throws the tablet, then it hits a pole. Star Fox - King plays Starfox on a 3DS and then says "That's an enemy" in a flashback to July 2011 and then to March 2016 with a Wii U but with November 2015 crossed out.
Physics - King says "Ugh, I hate this tablet!" then throws it in behind him and then hits King. Snoop Dogg - King listens to "Drop it like it's hot" from Snoop Dogg and then drops the tablet because it's too hot. Cookies - King pours cookies on the tablet then throws it in his microwave oven. The battery "explodes" (it's actually explosion effects). I Like My Face The Way It Is - King takes apart the Kindle Fire and then removes the battery. Extreme Drying - King puts the tablet in the dryer and turns it on. Extreme Washing - King puts the tablet in the washer and turns it on. Asian Stereotype -_- King becomes a basic stereotype and hits the tablet with his hands then hits it with his belt. Kick Flips - King hits the tablet with his feet, a scooter, and a bike. Basic Drop In Water - King drops it in water. Basic Drop - King drops it on the floor. Text saying "5000 Sub Special!" appears in the bottom right hand side. The intro the plays and Mario is seen hitting the social media blocks with a Kindle Fire in his hand. In the beginning of it King plays the trailer and shows comments from it. It was released Novemand was the 3rd episode in the 50 WAYS TO BREAK series.
50 WAYS TO BREAK A TABLET is a video where King breaks a working Kindle Fire.